Monday, May 21, 2012

Time to Comment

You are kindly asked to avoid 'copy & paste'! That is 'Plagiarism'!


Unknown said...

First I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to defeat such accusation about commiting plagiarism
Second,because I am one of those student who depends very much on internet in making assignments, I completely disagree with you in choosing such a word which carry a great meaning behind it in describing our situation
we as young college students do not have many ideas, so we go and search for some ideas to help us conducting the reports.
that is it
now does borrowing ideas mean plagiarism ?

Anonymous said...

first,Iam so sorry for being late in my comments because i do not know how to make blogger then my friend helps me.Borrowing ideas are ok but u have to show ur style of writing and being creative. U should use ur expressions

Anonymous said...

good topic
so interesting!